Yes, I am!

Old, that is. I began to ask myself that question about 3 years ago. There was a pandemic, as I remember, so I had a lot of time to sit and cogitate about such things. At the age of 77, I knew I would be considered old by many elements of modern (and ancient) society.… Continue reading Yes, I am!

Categorised as diary

Am I Old Yet?

It’s a question I’ve been asking myself lately. I even wrote a poem about it. Then I realised that nobody is ever going to say ‘yes’. Why? Good question. I guess because the word ‘old’ has so much baggage attached to it. It is weighted down with notions of decrepitude, diminished faculties, failing health, dependency… Continue reading Am I Old Yet?


What a day! Sun is shining, flat is clean and sort of tidy, I’ve done my workout, my singing practice, my ukulele practice for our LiveKennedys gig next weekend, figured out what I’m doing at tomorrow’s Open Mic in West Kirby for the Liverpool Equity meet and greet.